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Local Foods Resources for Schools

The Maine Farm and Sea Cooperative is partnered on the Auburn/Lewiston School Departments’ Farm to School Implementation Grant 2018-2020. The districts partnered with St. Mary’s Nutrition Center (SMNC) for the initial planning grant and added MFSC to provide
culinary expertise, procurement resources, and project management for implementation of a
local food program. Additional financial support was provided by the EB Sewall Foundation and a Maine Farm to Institution mini-grant to fund finalizing the Local Foods RFP.  That partnership included MeFTI, Portland and Falmouth Schools, Cultivating Community, Somali Bantu Community Association and Maine Department of Education, Child Nutrition Program.

The team developed relationships with local producers; increased local food purchasing; sustain and expand utilization of school gardens; and strengthened connections between school gardens and cafeterias through student and staff education and engagement.

MFSC has created materials to help schools develop Request for Proposals to incorporate more local foods into their menus. The following materials are available for all to use:

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